Meaning, Nature and Scope of Evidence

Meaning of Evidence Evidence refers to any material or information presented in a legal proceeding...

Meaning, Nature and Scope of Evidence

Meaning of Evidence Evidence refers to any material or information presented in a legal proceeding to establish or challenge relevant facts. It includes facts, statements,...

Meaning, Nature and Scope of Evidence

Meaning of Evidence Evidence refers to any material or information presented in a legal proceeding...

Meaning, Nature and Scope of Evidence

Meaning of Evidence Evidence refers to any material or information presented in a legal proceeding to establish or...

Meaning, Nature and Scope of Evidence

Meaning of Evidence Evidence refers to any material or information presented in a legal proceeding to establish or challenge relevant facts. It includes facts, statements,...

Fundamental Rules of Law of Evidence

The fundamental rules of the Law of Evidence provide the framework for the admissibility, relevancy, and weight of evidence in legal proceedings. These rules...

Admissions under Indian Evidence Act, 1872

Definition of Admissions Admissions are statements, whether oral or written, made by a party to the proceedings or their authorized representative. These statements suggest an...

Confessions under Indian Evidence Act, 1872

Under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, confessions are an important aspect of evidence in criminal cases. Definition of Confession A confession is a statement made...

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Meaning, Nature and Scope of Evidence

Meaning of Evidence Evidence refers to any material or information presented in a legal proceeding to establish or challenge relevant facts. It includes facts, statements,...

Fundamental Rules of Law of Evidence

The fundamental rules of the Law of Evidence provide the framework for the admissibility, relevancy, and weight of evidence in legal proceedings. These rules...

Admissions under Indian Evidence Act, 1872

Definition of Admissions Admissions are statements, whether oral or written, made by a party to the proceedings or their authorized representative. These statements suggest an...

Confessions under Indian Evidence Act, 1872

Under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, confessions are an important aspect of evidence in criminal cases. Definition of Confession A confession is a statement made...

Dying Declaration under Indian Evidence Act, 1872

The concept of a dying declaration is an important aspect of evidence in criminal cases. It refers to the statement made by a person...

Evidentiary Value of Admission and Confession

Both admissions and confessions carry significant evidentiary value in legal proceedings. Admissions Admissions are statements made by a party to a legal proceeding or their authorized...

Statements made by Persons who cannot be called as Witnesses

Under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, there are provisions that allow for the admission of statements made by persons who cannot be called as...

Which Confession is Admissible and Not Admissible under Indian Evidence Act, 1872

Under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, the admissibility of confessions depends on the circumstances under which they are made. Admissible Confessions Confessions made before a Magistrate...

Statements made under Special Circumstances under Indian Evidence Act, 1872

Under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, there are certain special circumstances under which statements made by individuals are considered admissible as evidence. These statements...

Presumptions Regarding Offences under Indian Evidence Act, 1872

Under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, there are certain presumptions that arise regarding offences. These presumptions help in determining the burden of proof and...

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Confessions under Indian Evidence Act, 1872

Under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, confessions are an important aspect...

Dying Declaration under Indian Evidence Act, 1872

The concept of a dying declaration is an important aspect of...

Evidentiary Value of Admission and Confession

Both admissions and confessions carry significant evidentiary value in legal proceedings. Admissions Admissions...

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Fundamental Rules of Law of Evidence

The fundamental rules of the...

Meaning, Nature and Scope of Evidence

Meaning of Evidence Evidence refers to any material or information presented in a legal proceeding to establish or challenge relevant facts. It includes facts, statements,...

Fundamental Rules of Law of Evidence

The fundamental rules of the Law of Evidence provide the framework for the admissibility, relevancy, and weight of evidence in legal proceedings. These rules...

Admissions under Indian Evidence Act, 1872

Definition of Admissions Admissions are statements, whether oral or written, made by a party to the proceedings or their authorized representative. These statements suggest an...

Confessions under Indian Evidence Act, 1872

Under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, confessions are an important aspect of evidence in criminal cases. Definition of Confession A confession is a statement made...

Meaning, Nature and Scope of Evidence

Meaning of Evidence Evidence refers to any material or information presented in a legal proceeding to establish or challenge relevant facts. It includes facts, statements,...

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Meaning, Nature and Scope of Evidence

Meaning of Evidence Evidence refers to...

Confessions under Indian Evidence Act, 1872

Under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, confessions are an important aspect of evidence in criminal cases. Definition of Confession A confession is a statement made by an accused person that...

Dying Declaration under Indian Evidence Act, 1872

The concept of a dying declaration is an important aspect of evidence in criminal cases. It refers to the statement made by a person who is on the verge...

Evidentiary Value of Admission and Confession

Both admissions and confessions carry significant evidentiary value in legal proceedings. Admissions Admissions are statements made by a party to a legal proceeding or their authorized representative, which are against their...